
Non specialist

We are biomedical researchers, focused on investigating factors and processes that are relevant to human health, with particular emphasis on the following lines of research

Rare diseases and SALL factors (Spalt-like acronym). SALL proteins play a crucial role in human development. Mutations in human SALL genes lead to conditions such as Townes-Brocks and Okihiro Syndromes, characterized by hearing, kidney, and heart problems, among others. Our research is centered on understanding the role of SALL proteins during development and their involvement in diseases.


Ubiquitin-related family of proteins and associated processes. Proteins are vital for every cellular process, and their degradation is tightly regulated. An important mechanism for maintaining protein homeostasis (proteostasis) is through the ubiquitin-like family, which consists of small protein molecules that attach to target proteins. Dysregulation of proteostasis is implicated in numerous diseases, including cancer, neurodegeneration, immunological disorders, and rare diseases. We are actively developing innovative technologies that we and other laboratories can use to study and gain a better understanding of proteostasis processes.


In our research, we utilize human and mouse cells, cultured in vitro, as well as the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and mice as model organisms. By employing this diverse range of model systems, we can gain comprehensive insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the genes and processes that we investigate.

Our research is conducted at CIC bioGUNE, a nonprofit biomedical research center located in Derio, near Bilbao, Spain.

Funding for our work is obtained through competitive open calls from various national and international institutions.