


RarE3: Deciphering the role of Ubiquitin-Like modifiers in the etiology of rare diseases.

Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Participant: CIC bioGUNE. PI: Rosa Barrio.



Desarrollo de una plataforma de servicio para la búsqueda de proteínas diana de interés biomédico 6/12/TT/2023 /00001. Diputación Foral de Bizkaia. Participant: CIC bioGUNE. PI: Rosa Barrio.



A sound proteome for a sound body: targeting proteolysis for proteome remodeling CA20113. European Union. European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). Coordinator: Olivier Coux. Role: Country representative.


Protein homeostasis in development and disease

interplay of Ubiquitin-like and SALL factors in ciliogenesis, PID2020-114178GB-I00. Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Participant: CIC bioGUNE. PI: Rosa Barrio.


Modulation of lymphoid microenvironment by intrinsic protein homeostasis in aggressive B-cell lymphoma.

Fundación Gilead/Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Participants: Instituto Josep Carreras, CIC bioGUNE, Hospital UNiversitario Germans Trias i Pujol. Coordinator: Gaël Roué.



Red cooperativa franco-española para el análisis de proteinopatías y el desarrollo de terapias individualizadas en cánceres hematológicos. INTERREG, POTEFA, EU. Participants: IJC, Vall d’Hebron, INSERM, CNRS, CIC bioGUNE, ANAXOMICS Biotech S.L., IQS CETS. Coordinator: Gaël Roué.


Molecular mechanisms of SALL factors and Ubiquitin-likes and their physiological implications, BFU2017-84653-P.

Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Participant: CIC bioGUNE. Coordinator: Rosa Barrio.


UBIRed: Ubiquitin like proteins in signaling, proliferation and cancer.

“Redes de Excelencia” Agencia Estatal De Investigación, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Participants: CNIO, CIC bioGUNE, Universidad de Barcelona, CABIMER, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, IRBLLEIDA, Príncipe Felipe, VHIO, IBMB. Coordinator: Oscar Fernández-Capetillo


Drug-based modulation of primary cilia in Townes-Brocks Syndrome kidney models.

Rare Disease Foundation. Participants: CIC bioGUNE, Washington University. Coordinators: Prof. Michael Rauchman, Rosa Barrio.


ImmunoID: proximity proteomics in cell/tissue lysates for pathway and biomarker.

CIC biOGUNE: Severo Ochoa Innovative Research Grant. Participants: CIC bioGUNE. Coordinator: Rosa Barrio.


Drug-based modulation of primary cilia in Townes-Brocks Syndrome kidney models.

Rare Disease Foundation. Participants: CIC bioGUNE, Washington University. Coordinators: Prof. Michael Rauchman, Rosa Barrio.



European Research Training to Decipher the Ub Code: identification of potential biomarkers and drug targets. PITN-GA-2018-765445. European Union. Marie Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN) H2020-PEOPLE. Participants: CIC bioGUNE, CNRS-ITAV, CNRS-CRBM, UNIVLIV, UNIVDUN, MRC, GUF, Max Plank, Novo Nordisk, LUMC, IMB, FMI. Coordinators: Dr. Manuel S. Rodriguez and Rosa Barrio.

Participant: CIC bioGUNE. Coordinator: Rosa Barrio.


From Genes to Shapes. Analysis of morphogenesis in Drosophila and vertebrates.

BFU2014-57703- REDC. Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Networks of Excellence, Consolider. Participants: CSIC-UAM, UAB, CABD-UPO, CIC bioGUNE. Coordinator: Dr Ginés Morata.


Role of SALL and SUMOylation in health and disease.

BFU2014-52282-P. Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Participant: CIC bioGUNE. Coordinator: Rosa Barrio.

European network to integrate research on intracellular proteolysis pathways in health and disease. BM1307. European Union. European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). Participants: Entities from 27 European countries Coordinator: Rosa Barrio.


El papel de las proteínas Sall y de Sumo en el desarrollo y en esteroidogenesis.

Proyecto PI2012/42. Basque Government, Solicitud de ayuda a la realización de proyectos de investigación convocatoria de 2011. Modalidad 1: básica y aplicada. Participant: CIC bioGUNE. Coordinator: Rosa Barrio.


UPStream: European Research Training in the Ubiquitin Proteasome System.

PITN-GA-2011-290257. European Union. Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN) FP7-PEOPLE. Participants: CIC bioGUNE, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Medical Research Council, Nederlands Kanker Instituut, University of Copenhagen, Academisch Ziekenhuis Leiden - Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum, IGMM-CNRS , CRBM-CNRS, UNIFFM University of Frankfurt , University of Dundee. Coordinator: Rosa Barrio. Co-coordinator Dr Manuel S. Rodríguez.


The role of Sall proteins and SUMO in development and Steroidogenesis.

BFU2011-25986. Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation MICINN. Participant: CIC bioGUNE. Coordinator: Rosa Barrio.


Identification of genes with neuroprotective function in Drosophila. Tryggers Stiftelse Fundation (Sweden).

Participants: Stockholm University, IIBCE Montevideo, CIC bioGUNE. Coordinator: Dr Rafael Cantera.


Mecanismo de acción de la familia de proteínas Spalt. BFU2008-01884/BMC.

Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation MICINN. Participant: CIC bioGUNE. Coordinator: Rosa Barrio.


La familia de proteínas Spalt durante el desarrollo y la regulación hormonal.

Proyecto PI20009-16. Basque Government, Solicitud de ayuda a la realización de proyectos de investigación convocatoria de 2008. Modalidad 1: básica y aplicada. Participant: CIC bioGUNE. Coordinator: Rosa Barrio.


Genomic analysis of a reversible neurodegenerative process in Drosophila. CTS 08:57. Tryggers Stiftelse Fundation (Sweden).

Participants: Stockholm University, IIBCE Montevideo, CIC bioGUNE. Coordinator: Dr Rafael Cantera


From Genes to Shapes. Gene Regulatory Networks.

CSD 2007-008-25120. Spanish Ministry of Education and Science MEC, Consolider Program. Participants: CSIC-UAM, UAB, CABD-UPO, CIC bioGUNE. Coordinator:Dr Ginés Morata.


From Genes to Shapes. Drosophila Silencing Platform.

CSD 2007-008-25120. Spanish Ministry of Education and Science MEC, Consolider Program. Participants: CSIC-UAM, UAB, CABD-UPO, CIC bioGUNE. Coordinator: Dr Ginés Morata.


Formación de Red de Estudios, Colaboraciones e Investigaciones en Proteólisis Intracelular en España (RECIPIE).

Spanish Ministry of Education and Science MEC, programa de Acciones Complementarias. Participants: CIC bioGUNE and others. Coordinator: Dr Manuel Salvador Rodríguez Medina.


Regulación negativa de la ruta de TGF-beta por dSki y estudio de la familia Spalt de proteínas en Drosophila

BFU2005-00257. Spanish Ministry of Education and Science MEC. Participant: CIC bioGUNE. Coordinator: Rosa Barrio.